Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jacob's Happy Birthday!


Anonymous said...

Aww this was the cutest thing! Thanks Jacob!

Debra said...

WOW Jake...trouble you got upto in that car??? wildchild huh? well well well!

Yes the wallpaper lol. And so you should blow out your own candles! It is great to see what you looked like as a chiild - you were so cute! still are! I loved that snowman to!

LEO? well that explains why you are in showbusiness! because you are so lively and dam talented!

You rock Jake! go for it!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jacob!

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy birthday Jacob!

I'm making cupcakes, but seeing as I'm all the way out here in Ohio, I made you a pixel cupcake as well.

Make a wish!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Jacqueline Smith said...

Happy Birthday. and yes I remember the buttons, or at least pictures of me with some.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB!!! You are wonderful and deserve a fantastic celebration!

Ali said...

This was so hilarious, I think we need a new one of these every year! Happy Birthday!