Tuesday, August 12, 2008

History making theater

So, I had a weekend filled with theater and I thought I would share it with you. It started out on Thursday night when my good friend Randi invited me to the opening night of HAIR. If you haven’t seen it, RUN to get tickets. I thought it was wonderful, magical and divine. It was a great story about a distinct group of people that ended in the stars. It was simply what good theater should be! Speaking of ending, just as the cast started the final song of “let the sunshine in,” it began to rain. I was looking everywhere for the hoses because the effect was unbelievable and right on cue. Well, we quickly learned it was not part of the show as the bottom of the sky dropped and dumped cold wet rain over all of us. That did stop us from dancing the night away! This was New York at its best and its times like these that I’m reminded that I do live in the greatest city in America. LET THE SUN SHINE IN!

Peter James Zielinski took these photos and you can check out his work at http://www.pjzstudios.com/

On Friday night, I went to see my good friend Adam Perry, who was brilliant, in A Chorus Line. I was reminded of how brilliant that show is and well it is constructed. Michael Bennett was a GENIOUS!!!

Here’s Donna McKechine on the cover of Newsweek circa 1979. AMAZING!!

Simply the best!

Looking at the line reminded me of when I was in CATS we did a parody of ACL. Thought you might enjoy.

On Saturday night I went to Hubbard Street Dance Company. Again RUN! It was the best dance I’ve seen in a while. The girl in the video is my dear friend Helen Rust who is visiting form London and Randi Kliner is working the camera.



Leah said...

PJZ's photo gallery is amazing, no?

I met him when he was playing Radames in AIDA in Denver. He's a very sweet guy and a very talented actor/photographer!!!

Glad to see that shows are starting to look good on Broadway again. For a while there with things like Mamma Mia, Bombay Dreams, and... Brooklyn(? was that the name of it?) being cranked out, things looked bleak.

Viva Broadway!!!

Debra said...

WOW!! that looks like so much fun...wish I could have been there doing that...thank you for sharing Jake!!

Its always nice to hear from you about what you are upto!