Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tragedy on the Lanes!!

Hey Guys - this post is from when I went to Milwaukee and visited my friend Sharon Wheatley who was performing with the Milwaukee Symphony. She was amazing! You can see more about the concert on her blog.  It was also Chad's, the stage manager, birthday and we went bowling!

Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's Rock-'n-Roll

Hey come on let's get this show on the road.

Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's Rock-'n-Roll

We're sittin' on a bomb that's about to explode.

We're gonna score tonight, we're gonna score tonight.

If you're lookin' for a fight, then the time is right.


Debra said...

Hi Jake...

Go for it..

Debra said...


Vid was great not sure about the storm...OMG im from Britain never faced a tornado ever...your so brave...Strike in one - way to go Jacob!

Anonymous said...

I live in Indiana and we got really bad storms, too. Glad you got home safe!

Jacqueline Smith said...

Hey...from here in mississippi I can feel the pain of tornados it is an almost daily threat...expecially in the summer heat.

It is always good to be missed by a twister